sábado, 20 de julio de 2013

Silver Strand

Kissing sun and silver sand between my toes.
Swim in the icy sea, salty skin under a blue sky.
Sparkles in the shoreline.

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Estación de Canfranc / Canfranc Station

Te creí un lugar secreto donde jugar,
sueños de atardecer en andenes vacios,
cristal roto de una puerta verde al pasado.

Tu historia ha contado otras, 
tus muros han visto cientos de vidas pasar.

Majestuosa, donde se inventó el significado de tal palabra
abandonada que no olvidada.

Mis pasos no te devuelven la vida
mas tus fantasmas no me asustan.

Tu grandiosidad se perdió 
entre la dejadez y la nada.


I thought you were a secret place to play,
dreams at sunset in the empty platforms,
broken glass of a green door to the past.

Your story has told so many others,
your walls have seen hundreds of lives passing by.

Stately, where the meaning of that word was invented
abandoned but not forgotten.

My steps don't bring you back to life
but your ghosts don't spook me.

Your magnificence was lost
between the negligence and the vacuum.